
Legacy Software Modernisation

IT applications have been a crucial element of businesses for many years. Companies expand or decline based on the quality of their applications. As a result, there is an ongoing demand for application enhancement and innovation. The process of modernization is an ongoing task and companies can take different paths to modernize their application landscape.

If an application no longer meets business needs or the cost of adaptation and enhancement is too high, there is the option … although costly and risky … to do a complete re-write. At the other end of the time-risk-complexity spectrum, minor changes or “face lifting” (screen scraping, for instance) can be applied to legacy applications.

Modernizing existing applications by reusing current application assets has become an accepted practice that has proved its worth.

Legacy software modernization leverages existing application assets and enhances them by incorporating modern technologies like e.g. Service Oriented Architecture or SOA. There is no need to re-invent key business and IT processes that have remained unchanged just because technology has advanced. Modernization preserves the company’s past investment and the associated risks are typically lower. Risks associated with business and IT process changes and with implementing new processes do not exist.

Application modernization has a compelling financial driver. Legacy systems are expensive to maintain and the human resources that support them are in short supply and usually expensive. Many companies take a step-by-step approach to legacy modernization by analyzing their application landscape and modernizing applications based on the expected return on investment, risk, and urgency.

One Mind has all the required skills to lead and execute a legacy software modernization project start to end. Combining these skills with offshore development partnerships enables us to keep the cost lower, and deliver modernization assignments faster.
